26th Annual Celebration
Little Levels Heritage Fair
June 28 - 30, 2024
Hillsboro, West Virginia
History of the Fair
An old photo of the Pocahontas County Horse Show held in Hillsboro in 1915 sparked the idea to recreate a fair to celebrate the heritage of the Little Levels area. The last full weekend in June was chosen to coincide with the June 26, 1892 birth of Pearl S. Buck. The 2015 Little Levels Heritage Fair celebrated the Little Levels Horse Show that began over 100 years ago on Beard Road. Many fine thoroughbred horses were raised in the Little Levels. One horseman was Robert H. Burns, Grandfather of PBS Documentary Writer, Ken Burns.
Previously centered around the Hillsboro Elementary School, in 2013 the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace property became the "Fair Grounds". The fair showcases local talent and products, and serves as a fundraiser for volunteer and civic organizations of the area. Our goal is to preserve as much of the history and heritage as possible through written stories and pictures of the area. We work with Preserving Pocahontas, Genealogy Group, Pocahontas County Historical Society and the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace along with area residents.

The sesquicentennial of the Civil War Battle of Droop Mountain in 1863 was commemorated in 2013. The "Old Home Places" book published by the Fair lists many homes that were used as hospitals during the war. We are trying to preserve the location of Civil War Graves. Our theme "Defenders of the Home Front" honored not only the soldiers who were either in the Union or Confederate army but payed tribute to those who maintained the home front in their absence.

The Pleasant Green Church and School was dedicated to the National Register of Historic Places during the fair in 2013. The descendants of the African American community will have a tie that binds through the preservation of these two buildings.

Many residents are descendants of the original settlers. Many of the old homes are no longer standing; however, the home place remains in the heart and soul of those who have been a part of the community. It is our hope that the Little Levels will always be "a place to come home to."

PO Box 121, Hillsboro, WV 24946
Thank You For Your Support

Gail & Barb Siers ~ Bob & Ruth Taylor
Mosesso Agency ~ Town of Hillsboro
Pocahontas County Dramas, Fairs & Festivals
Pocahontas Co. Parks & Recreation
WV Association of Fairs & Festivals
WV Division of Culture & History

Pocahontas County CVB